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  • Post published:February 20, 2022
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Can Dogs Eat Watermelon [+9 Other Human Foods]

Can dogs eat watermelon? But what about other human food?

can dogs eat watermelon

Even if we keep our pets on proper diets, it is common to want to spoil them with some extra treats. A tasty snack from time to time is allowed, as long as it does not negatively affect their health.

Be sure to choose foods that are safe for canine stomachs. Here are some “dog-approved” human foods.

1. Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Yes, dogs can eat watermelon. This fruit has a lot of nutrients that are excellent for your dog’s health and well-being.

Can dogs eat watermelon? Yes, but always with some precautions so that it doesn’t upset their stomach and affect their health.

Watermelon has a high water content as well as some nutrients that dogs can assimilate. 100 grams of natural watermelon have the following nutritional values:

  • Water: 91,45 g
  • Vitamin C: 8,1 mg
  • Fiber: 0,4 g
  • Vitamin B: 0,30 g
  • Potassium: 112 mg
  • Magnesium: 10 mg
  • Calories: 30 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 7.55 g

Benefits of watermelon for dogs.

  • Better eye, skin, and coat health. The vitamin A in watermelon promotes eye health in dogs and gives protection to their coat and skin.
  • You can keep your dog hydrated on hot days since the watermelon contains 92% water.
  • Watermelon is an antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to the lycopene that gives it its red color.
  • It is a very low-calorie fruit, so your dog will not gain weight and maintains its good physical shape.

Vitamin B6. Helps convert food into energy. Helps in the growth of neurotransmitters in the brain and the production of serotonin.

Vitamin A. Promotes eye health and in the formation of various tissues and membranes.

Potassium. Aids in muscle function and the regulation of blood pressure.

Lycopene. An antioxidant that helps in the prevention of cancer and heart disease.

Can dogs eat watermelon, melon

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon and Get Sick?

No, watermelon cannot harm your dog as long as you give it to him in the right amounts and without rind or seeds.

Can dogs eat watermelon rind? Always remove the rind from the piece you are going to give your dog.  The rind is bad for him and could hurt his stomach, causing gastrointestinal problems.

Can dogs eat watermelon seeds? Seedless is the best way to go: they could also cause stomach problems as with the shell. Many seeds in his stomach can cause symptoms like intestinal obstruction or diarrhea. As dogs can’t digest them.

This doesn’t mean that if your dog eats a piece of shell or some seeds by mistake, you should take your dog to the vet. But you should know that if it happens often, it will end up causing gastrointestinal damage.

Also, check with your vet if you can give your dog watermelon if they suffer from these diseases:

Diabetes. In small amounts, there should be no problem. But, it is always advisable to consult with the specialist.

Renal insufficiency. Due to the amount of potassium it contains.

Hypotension. It tends to reduce blood pressure, this is why it is not recommended in the case of dogs suffering from this condition.

How much watermelon can a dog eat?

The most advisable is to give your dog a small piece as a “snack.” Do not forget that fruits have a lot of sugar and should not be eaten in large quantities.

The most adequate portion for dogs is 50-75 grams per day. This amount can vary according to the breed’s size, a small dog needs to eat less, and a big dog can eat more.

In general, it is best to give them 1-3 cubes of watermelon occasionally.

catching food, Can dogs eat watermelon

Can dogs eat watermelon daily?

It is not suitable for dogs to eat watermelon daily. Limit the amount of watermelon that dogs eat. Because it contains high levels of sugars and carbohydrates.

If the dog eats too much, it would have an excess of carbohydrates; it already receives this with other foods.

High sugar content in large amounts can increase blood glucose levels, causing weight gain and obesity.

How to feed watermelon to your dog?

Offer your dog a small piece of watermelon (without seeds and rind). Also, you can freeze in pieces or blend them into delicious frozen desserts.

If you observe that your dog is fine and after a few hours he hasn’t problems digesting it, give him another piece.

After offering him some fruit, observe if he pees more than usual or if his stools are too soft or even diarrheic. If this is the case, you will have to remove the watermelon from his diet, as he is not assimilating it well.

Now that you have an answer to the question “Can dogs eat watermelon?” Let’s move to other human foods dogs may like.

Can dogs eat watermelon

2. Can dogs eat shrimp?

Yes… and No. Shrimps are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and essential minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and iron.

It can offer benefits to dogs. Shrimp contains many antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and anti-inflammatories that help their body.

But, these are not usually very good for your pet because they contain a lot of protein! So much protein can cause indigestion and a pretty severe stomach upset (with severe vomiting or diarrhea).

So, shrimp is not a dietary necessity for dogs. Dogs are bred to eat protein, but shrimp is not one of them.

Risks of feeding shrimp to dogs.

Raw shrimp are a source of all kinds of bacterias, including the dreaded salmonella and listeria. Even undercooked shrimp can make your dog sick.

So, dogs should not eat shrimp shells or tails. Because they can cause coughing and damage to your dog’s intestines.

Shrimp tails and shells are made of chitosan, a difficult-to-digest material. They tend to get stuck easily in the digestive tract due to their brittle and sharp texture, even perforating the intestinal wall.

But, if shrimp are cooked, without salt, garlic, onion, and the dog do not present allergies or discomfort… He can eat them as small treats.

How to give shrimp to dogs?

In small doses, without shells, salt, butter, and sporadically. They should also be cooked. Fried shrimps are not suitable for dogs because of the amount of fat.

3. Can dogs eat mango?

The answer is yes, dogs can eat mangoes. Mangoes are high in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and folic acid. Among other nutrients, they are high in antioxidants.

However, they are also high in sugar, approximately 46 grams of sugar per fruit. This poses a health risk for dogs in the long term, especially for dogs with a tendency to obesity.

How to give mangoes to my dog?

The American Kennel Club indicates 1  that, to offer mango to a dog, we must remove the peel and remove the seed. Although there is no prohibition, the peel can be difficult to digest. But, the seed can cause obstruction or choking hazards.

The ideal dose is 2 to 3 pieces in small breeds, 4 in medium breeds, and 5 or 6 in large breeds. You can give mango to your dog 1 or 2 times a week.

Mangoes must be ripe since green mangoes are very acidic; the pulp is not juicy and can cause problems for your dog.

4. Can dogs eat olives?

Yes, dogs can eat olives. Fortunately, olives are not toxic to dogs and in small amounts are safe for them to eat.

  • It has healthy fats and proteins and rich in vitamins A, E, and K.
  • It has good monounsaturated fats that help the body reduce cholesterol.
  • It is rich in calcium, which can be a great help as a snack for dogs that cannot digest dairy products.

However, to get benefits such as these, dogs will likely have to consume it in large quantities. But if the dog ingests a bowl of olives, severe gastrointestinal distress could occur.

Risks of feeding your dog olives.

They are high in sodium, which is toxic to dogs if consumed in excess.  Symptoms of sodium poisoning include diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, among others.

How to give olives to dogs?

  • Occasionally, give one or two unsalted olives without pits or seeds.
  • Avoid giving olives in cans, as these contain more sodium.
  • Avoid giving olives that are prepared with other ingredients such as garlic or onion.
  • Dogs should not consume more than 0.25 to 1.5 grams of sodium per 100 grams of food.

5. Can dogs eat zucchini?

Yes, raw or cooked zucchini is a healthy choice for dogs and nutritious addition to their meals.

Zucchini is rich in potassium, fiber, minerals, calcium, and vitamin A.

Contains 95% water and is also low in calories. Fiber helps to reduce hunger and gives your dog a feeling of satiety.

It also helps dogs regulate and cut gastrointestinal problems.

This is a low glycemic index vegetable. This means that it will not increase your dog’s blood sugar level. Besides, this vegetable has a quality that retains all its nutrients even when cooked.

Unless your dog is allergic to zucchini, there is no problem or risk with eating it in small quantities.

How to prepare zucchini for your dog?

You can offer your dog raw, steamed, mashed, or baked zucchini. Make sure it is well washed to remove dirt and pesticide residues, seasoning, or salt.

Cut it into small pieces. One cup of zucchini will only have about 20 calories and is a completely safe amount for your dog.

6. Can dogs eat pecans?

No. Pecans contain juglone, a toxic substance that can be harmful to dogs. They are very high in fat and too large, and difficult to digest.

Risks of feeding pecans to your dog.

Pecans contain high levels of fat and are difficult for dogs to digest. Just 100 grams of pecans contain about 650 calories. This can cause problems such as:

Pancreatitis, weight gain, vomiting, diarrhea, digestive problems, intestinal tract obstruction, and more.

If the dog eats one or two that fell on the floor by accident, nothing will happen.

But this depends on the size of the dog and the amount he can eat. Nuts are poisonous to dogs, and a large amount could be fatal.

How to give pecans to a dog?

Juglone is found in the shell of the nut and in the leaves and stems of the tree.

The inside of the fruit doesn’t contain this harmful substance. So you can give pecans occasionally and in small amounts (maybe one or two).

As pecans contain more disadvantages than benefits and dogs’ stomach, do not digest them well… They do not need this fruit in their diet, and it is not recommended.

7. Can dogs eat pickles?

No, veterinarians do not recommend it. Dogs can eat pickles in small amounts and with great caution, but these foods pose a risk to their health.

Many pickles are spiced with herbs that are toxic to dogs. Plus, the high sodium content may cause high blood pressure and weight gain in dogs.

Sodium is found in the regular diet of dogs, but increasing the sodium level with foods like this can be hazardous to their health.

Symptoms include passing dark-colored urine, vomiting, diarrhea, and trouble breathing. Take your dog immediately to a veterinarian if he shows any of these signs.

How to give pickles to dogs?

The pickle itself, without the additives, should not be harmful to your dog. However, many dogs don’t particularly like the taste or smell of vinegar or brine. These dogs will not want to eat a pickle, even if it is given to them.

From a nutritional perspective, giving your dog fresh vegetables such as cucumber or carrots is a healthier alternative.

8. Can dogs eat lettuce?

Yes, lettuce is a good choice of human food to offer your dog. It can be a refreshing treat as it contains up to 90% water.

It is low in calories and is easy to digest but does not have a high nutritional value. However, it can serve as a training snack for a dog that suffers from being overweight.

How to feed lettuce to your dog?

Ensure that the piece of lettuce you are going to give your pet is well washed and disinfected.

It is advisable to give him a moderate dose that you should cut into tiny pieces. If your dog eats too much lettuce, it can have diarrhea, so always be careful not to feed your dog too much lettuce.

9. Can dogs eat peaches?

Yes, peaches are another fruit that dogs can eat.

Peaches are a great source of iron, which will help prevent anemia in dogs. They also promote intestinal transit and are a natural source of antioxidants.

Peaches help prevent anemia, favor the regulation of intestinal transit and contain a large amount of water.

How can you give peaches to your dog?

Whenever you feed your dog a fruit with a stone, never give him the whole piece because he will devour it in one bite.

Cut it into pieces and give him a couple of them. If he swallows the central stone, he could choke and get intoxicated with the cyanide it contains.

Finally, the hairs on the peach skin cause allergies. As a precaution, remove the skin or offer nectarine directly. You can also ask your veterinarian for allergy tests.

10. Can dogs eat peppers?

Dogs can not eat black or hot peppers, as they are toxic to dogs and can cause stomach problems such as pain, diarrhea, and gas.

However, they can only eat green or red peppers because they are low in calories; contain beta-carotene, antioxidants, and fiber. They are rich in vitamins A, C, E, and B6 and are full of minerals.

Among its benefits is the reduction of gas. As it helps to facilitate intestinal transit and to start up the digestive system.

Digestive benefits have been observed in cases of constipation. Its high fiber content will help your dog to digest better.

How to give peppers to your dog?

Add a little red or green pepper in his food ration and some pieces regularly or in porridge and mix them with the rest of his food.

You can offer them raw, steamed, or boiled. Never season the bell pepper with salt or add spices.

The amount depends on the dog’s tolerance during digestion. And of course, avoid giving hot peppers or black peppers to your dog.

What fruits can’t dogs eat?

According to research by the Department of Health, Animal Science and Food Safety, University of Milan, Italy:

“Dogs and cats may be fed harmful foodstuffs by owners unaware of the danger or given the wide occurrence of these products in the home; pets may easily have accidental access to them”.

These are just some of the foods that are toxic to dogs and should be avoided in any form:

  • Grapes and raisins
  • Onions and garlic.
  • Green potato.
  • Green tomato.
  • Dairy products (milk, ice cream, cheese).
  • Dried fruit.
  • Sweets, sugar, and sweeteners.
  • Tomato plants.

Dog food: quick tips.

There are many human foods that you can share with your dog, but first, do your research to make sure it is safe for him.

dog eating ice cream

Before introducing fruits to your dog’s diet, consult your veterinarian or nutritionist. Not all dogs accept the same type of diet.

Remember not to give your dog any of these foods in excess, or you could harm him.  And if you want your pet to enjoy human food, you can always opt for healthy alternatives designed for pets.

And you can mix in some of the best dog food available on the market.

Bonus: 9 “People” Foods That Your Dog Loves

If you’re feeling guilty when your adorable pup is giving you those sad eyes at the dinner table, here are some other safe human foods you can give them. Giving your dog some of your food can help supplement their nutritional needs and help them get the fiber they need to digest properly.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is something that dogs love but watch how much you give them because it’s very high in calories. If your dog already has a weight problem, look at some of the lower-calorie options listed below. This is an excellent source of protein for your pup as well.


Your dogs will go crazy for a little slice of apple when you have one. They will remember what it sounds like when you cut the apple and come running for a little piece. Apples are safe for dogs and a healthy treat alternative to some of the unnatural treats on the market. The more you can choose a natural treat like this, the better your dog’s health will be. Try not to give them processed food like chips and hot dogs as it will lead to weight gain just like it does for humans. Don’t give them the whole apple, just slices, because they might choke on the seeds or the core.


Carrots are a great treat for your dogs and carrots can help occupy them for at least a short time. Because carrots are hard, they can help clean your dog’s teeth which can improve their breath and reduce the risk of gum disease. Dog whisperer, Cesar Millan, likes carrots as a snack for dogs and although carrots don’t have many calories, they have a good amount of fiber and Vitamin A as well as beta carotene.


This is another great source of protein for your pet. Make sure you cook the egg completely because raw egg whites can cause a nutrient deficiency in dogs. This is a healthy snack for your dog and it’s also a low-cost source of protein. You can add some scrambled eggs into their food if they have a low appetite to get them to like their food more. Eggs contain riboflavin and selenium which are good for dogs.


Cooked oatmeal can be a healthy dietary supplement for older dogs. Oatmeal is inexpensive and high in soluble fiber. Many dogs are allergic to gluten and this can be a good alternative for them. Dogs that are allergic to gluten may end up with skin/coat problems or diarrhea and oatmeal can help regulate digestion for dogs that have trouble with that as well.


Most berries, but not all berries, are safe for dogs and are an excellent source of nutrients. Berries can be messy though so make sure you give them to dogs away from the carpets in your house. Berries contain antioxidants and can help boost the immune system of dogs. Strawberries have a high Vitamin C content and are great for your dog’s teeth. Of course, you don’t want to give your dogs too many berries but keeping a bag of frozen berries in the house as treats are a great, healthy option for training.


Broccoli is not something you want to give your dog too often, but it can be good for them here and there. It is high in nutrients and can help dogs clean their teeth. Broccoli can be ground up and added to food or just given to them as a snack. It’s important to know that the head of the broccoli has a gastric irritant that can bother your dog’s stomach, so try to only give them the stems.

Green Beans

Green beans are good food that can help your lovable pet lose weight. They are a filling food because of their fiber content and they are also low in calories. You can replace some of their food with green beans to help them lose that extra weight. Make sure you don’t give them green beans that are covered in salt, though. Green beans have manganese as well as both vitamin K and C.

Boiled or Dehydrated Sweet Potatoes

This is an inexpensive and healthy treat for your furry friend that can help with training because if you dehydrate slices of sweet potatoes they can be used as treats. Boiled sweet potatoes are also an excellent source of B6, manganese, and beta carotene. Remember that potatoes hold heat for a long time so make sure they have cooled down before you give them to your dog so you don’t burn their mouth.

The next time you browse through the dog treat aisle, look at the ingredients to see if there are chemicals and fillers. It makes sense to use these healthy and cheap options for your pets because they are just as nature-made them. Using these natural foods can help reduce the amount of preservatives and toxic chemicals you give your dog and it can save you a good amount of money. Often giving your dog packaged treats is the same as giving them candy, it adds no nutritional value to their diet and leaves them craving more. You can also chop up these foods and include them into their regular puppy chow for an added nutrient boost.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Claire

    I have to give up and just resort to watching cute tiktok videos with dogs eating all the veggies and fruits they’re handed. I’ve tried everything, there’s no way my Bella would eat something else besides her dry food and the random cracker.

  2. Arianna

    Our teckel is a huge watermelon and carrot fan. We discovered this at a picnic when he wouldn’t stop sniffing our plates. I showed him my plate thinking he will turn his nose in disgust but he stole one watermelon chunk and ate it right away #healthysausage

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